Name: | Aviation Museums |
Aviation Museums and Collections of the Rest of the World (excluding Europe and North America) | |
ISBN: | 0851303943 / 9780851303949 |
Author: | Bob Ogden |
Publisher: | Air Britain Historians Ltd |
Year: | 2008 |
Pages | 576 |
Language: | English |
Binding: | Hardcover |
Condition: | Mint |
Categories: 1900-1914 Early aviation, 1903-1914 Early aviation, 1914-1918 WW1, 1914-1939 <WW2, 1919-1939 < Pre WW2, 1939-1945 World War 2, 1945-1989 Cold War, 1945-2020 > Post WW2, 1945-2020 >WW2, Aviation history, Books, Civil & General aviation, Military aviation
Tags: Aviation Photography & Art, Bomber, Directories / Reference, Fighter/Interceptor, Jet aircraft, NL aviation history, Propeller aircraft